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About the Author

From bicycle touring to backpacking, watercolour painting to clay modelling, the exploration journal captures my journey through many different interests and travel adventures.

I love to find those out of the way places that whisk you away from the concerns of everyday life. Whether this is by wading through an overgrown river or trying new paint techniques is up to you!

Tag: traditional art

A second foray into clay modelling

The previous clay modelling post in May: Modelling with Garden Clay. I once again visited family in Hampshire, and this time took extra care when digging the hole for clay. In my previous attempt I contaminated the clay with soil and so went through a process of washing it. This time I kept it as clean as possible and so didn’t…

Modelling with Garden Clay

Way back, when I was younger and lived in Cornwall, my brother and I used to go down to the bottom of the garden and dig up the clay we found there. We used to make clay balls for throwing at trees (and subsequently got into trouble for covering the neighbour’s garage wall in lumps of clay). More recently I…